Armenian British Business Caamber (ABBC) IT Sector Business Brunch Discussion with the UK Ambassador, John Gallagher

ABBC holds IT Sector Business Brunch Discussion with the UK Ambassador John Gallagher

On February 27th, the Armenian British Business Chamber (ABBC) collaborated with the British Embassy in Yerevan to organize a Business Brunch discussion. The event brought together the UK Ambassador, John Gallagher, and representatives from the local IT sector.

The primary goal of this meeting was to gather insights about the current state of the Armenian IT industry and identify the potential challenges it faces. Participants engaged in meaningful discussions that laid the groundwork for ABBC’s future action plan tailored specifically for the IT sector. Additionally, this gathering provided an excellent networking opportunity for all attendees.

ABBC expresses its gratitude to everyone who participated and contributed to the discussions. Special thanks go to the British Embassy in Yerevan and companies such as DataArt Armenia, Veeam Software, PopUp School Ed Tech, Hylink, Microsoft, Volo, Wirestock, Zoomerang, Zero Systems, and VMware for their valuable insights and engagement during the event.


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